Kingdom Women

Kingdom Men

Bible Study Fellowship For Men

Bible Study Fellowship For Women

When: Saturdays 8:30AM - 10AM
Where: Perkins Center (3837 W. Ogden Ave)
Ministry Lead : Chelsea Johnson
Where: Perkins Center (3837 W. Ogden Ave)
Ministry Lead : Chelsea Johnson
When: Thursdays 6:30AM
Where : Green Tomato Cafe (3750 W. Ogden Ave)
Ministry Lead: Wayne "Coach" Gordon
Where : Green Tomato Cafe (3750 W. Ogden Ave)
Ministry Lead: Wayne "Coach" Gordon
When: Tuesdays 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Where: Agape Chapel (3827 W. Ogden Ave)
Ministry Lead: Dave Wilcoxen
Where: Agape Chapel (3827 W. Ogden Ave)
Ministry Lead: Dave Wilcoxen
When: Mondays 6:00 PM -9:00PM
Where: Perkins Center (3837 W. Ogden Ave)
Ministry Lead: Daphine Moore
Where: Perkins Center (3837 W. Ogden Ave)
Ministry Lead: Daphine Moore
Grief Share

Small Groups

412 Ministry for Young Adults

When: Thursdays
Where: Perkins Center (3837 W. Ogden Ave)
Ministry Leads: Cathy Glen, Sarah Torrenga, Helen Hussey
(Lawndale has a grief share group available for more information on this please email Cathy Glen at:
Where: Perkins Center (3837 W. Ogden Ave)
Ministry Leads: Cathy Glen, Sarah Torrenga, Helen Hussey
(Lawndale has a grief share group available for more information on this please email Cathy Glen at:
When: Varies throughout the year
Where: Varies throughout the year
Ministry Lead: TBD Please contact Cathy Glen at:
Where: Varies throughout the year
Ministry Lead: TBD Please contact Cathy Glen at:
Ages: 18-35
When: Varies throughout the year
Where: Various Locations (For more information please contact: )
Ministry Lead: Jonathan Brooks
When: Varies throughout the year
Where: Various Locations (For more information please contact: )
Ministry Lead: Jonathan Brooks
Ministry Leaders

Chelsea Johnson
Kingdom Women Lead
Pastor's Assistant
Kingdom Women Lead
Pastor's Assistant

Wayne "Coach" Gordon
Kingdom Men Lead
Pastor Emeritus
Kingdom Men Lead
Pastor Emeritus

Cathy Glen
Grief Share Lead
Associate Pastor
Grief Share Lead
Associate Pastor

Jonathan Brooks
412 Adult Ministry Lead
Lead Pastor
412 Adult Ministry Lead
Lead Pastor
Dave Wilcoxen
"Head of Bible Study Fellowship for Men"
"Head of Bible Study Fellowship for Men"
Daphine Moore
"Head of Bible Study Fellowship for Women"
"Head of Bible Study Fellowship for Women"